Salk Institute

Papers and research supported in part or in whole by The Swartz Foundation


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Thomas PJ, Fellous J.-M, Tiesinga PHE, and Sejnowski TJ (2003) Experimental Characterization of Single-Neuron Spike-Time Patterns, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 29. 



Thomas PJ, Tiesinga PHE, Fellous J.-M and Sejnowski TJ (2003) Reliability and Bifurcation in Neurons Driven by Multiple Sinusoids, Neurocomputing, (52-54) 955-961.



Tiesinga PHE  (2001) Information transmission and recovery in neural communication channels revisited, Physical Review E, 64, article 012901:1-4.



Tiesinga, P. (2002).  Attractor reliability reveals deterministic structure in neuronal spike trains, Neural Computation, 14, 1629-1650. 



Tiesinga, P. (2002).  Precision and reliability of periodically and quasiperiodically driven integrate-and-fire neurons, Physical Review E, 65, 041913-1 – 041913-14.



Tiesinga, P. (2003). From neuron to brain:  Statistical physics of the nervous system. In Developments in Mathematical and Experimental Physics, ed. Macias et al., pp. 99-112: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.



Tiesinga, PHE, Fellous, J.-M and Sejnowski.TJ. (2002)  Spike-time reliability of periodically driven integrate-and-fire neurons, Neurocomputing 44-46, 91-96 (2002).



Tiesinga, PHE, Fellous, J.-M, José JV and Sejnowski. TJ  (2001).  Optimal information transfer in synchronized neocortical neurons, Neurocomputing, 38-40, 397-402.



Tiesinga P, Fellous J-M, José JV and Sejnowski TJ (2001).  Computational model of carbachol-induced delta, theta, and gamma oscillations in the hippocampus, Hippocampus, 11, 251-274. 



Tiesinga P, Fellous J-M, José JV and Sejnowski TJ (2002).  Information transfer in entrained cortical neurons, Network: Computation in Neural Systems 13, 41-66.



Tiesinga P and José JV (1999). Spiking statistics in noisy hippocampal interneurons, Neurocomputing 26-27, 299. 



Tiesinga P and José JV (2000). Driven by Inhibition, Neurocomputing, 32-33 249-254.



Tiesinga P and José JV (2000). Robust gamma oscillations in networks of inhibitory Hippocampal interneurons, Network: Computation in Neural Systems 11, 1-23.



Tiesinga P and José JV (2000). Synchronous clusters in a noisy inhibitory  neural network, Journal of Computational Neuroscience 9, 49-65.



Tiesinga P, José JV and Sejnowski TJ (2000). Comparison of current-driven and conductance-driven neocortical model neurons with Hodgkin-Huxley voltage-gated channels, Physical Review E, 62, 8413-8419.



Tiesinga P and Sejnowski TJ (2001).  Precision of pulse-coupled networks of integrate-and-fire neurons, Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 12, 215-233.



Tiesinga PHE, Thomas PJ, Fellous J-M and Sejnowski TJ  (2001). Reliability, Precision and the Neuronal Code, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27. 



Turiel A, Parga N, Ruderman DL and Cronin TW (2000). Multiscaling and information content of natural color images.  Physical Review E, 62, 1138.



van Hateren JH  and  Ruderman DL (1998).  Independent components analysis of natural image sequences yields spatio-temporal filters similar to simple cells in primary visual cortex.  Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon. Ser B, Dec 7, V265 N1412:2315-2320.



Wachtler T, Albright TD and Sejnowski TJ  (1998).   Non-local Color Induction Under Changing Adaptation Depends on Chromatic Contrast. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 24(2):1398. 


Wachtler T, Albright TD and Sejnowski TJ (2000).  Non-local interactions in color perception: Nonlinear processing  of chromatic signals from remote inducers. Vision Res., 41, 1535-1546.  

Wachtler T, Lee T-W and Sejnowski TJ  (2001).   The chromatic structure of natural scenes. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 18, 65- 77.



Wachtler T, Sejnowski TJ and Albright TD (1998).   Integration of Colour Information Across the Visual Field.   European Journal of Neuroscience, 10(10)supplement:251.



Wachtler T, Sejnowski TJ and Albright TD (2003).  Representation of color stimuli in awake macaque primary visual cortex.  Neuron, 37, 681-691.



Zador A  (1997).  Action Potentials Reconsidered.  Science, 277:772.



Zador A (1998). The Impact of synaptic unreliability on the information transmitted by spiking neurons.  J. Neurophysiol., 79:1230-1238. 



Zador A (1999).  Thalamocortical Synapses: Sparse but Stentorian. Neuron, 23:198-200. 



Zador A, Agmon-Snir H and Segev I (1995). The Morphoelectrotonic transform: A graphical approach to dendritic function.  J. Neurosci., 15:1669-1682.



Zador A and Dobrunz L (1997) .  Dynamic Synapses in the Cortex.  Neuron, 19:1-4.



Zador A and Pearlmutter B (1996). VC Dimension of an integrate-and-fire neuron.  Neural Computation, 8:611-624. 



Zhang S, José JV and.Tiesinga P (2000).  Model of Carbachol-induced gamma-frequency oscillations in hippocampus, Neurocomputing, 32-33, 617-622.



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