Salk Institute

Papers and research supported in part or in whole by The Swartz Foundation


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Quartz SR, and Sejnowski TJ (1997). The Neural Basis of Cognitive Development: A Constructivist Manifesto. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 20, 537-596. 



Rabinovich MI, Huerta R, Bazhenov M, Kozlov AK, Abarbanel HDI (1998).  Computer simulations of stimulus dependent state switching in basic circuits of bursting neurons. Physical Review E, 58, 6418-6430.



Rao RPN  (1999).  An Optimal Estimation Approach to Visual Perception and Learning. Vision Research, Vol. 39(11), pp.   1963-1989. 



Rao RPN  (2000). Learning to maximize rewards: A review of Sutton and Barto's  Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction.  Neural Networks, Vol. 13(1), pp.135-137.



Rao RPN and Ballard DH  (1999).  Predictive Coding in the Visual Cortex: A Functional Interpretation of Some Extra-Classical Receptive Field Effects.  Nature Neuroscience, Vol. (1),     pp. 79-87. 



Rao RPN, Eagleman DM and Sejnowski T.J  (2001). Optimal Smoothing in Visual Motion Perception, Neural Computation, 13(6), 1243-1253.



Rao RPN and Sejnowski TJ .(2000).  Predictive Sequence Learning in Recurrent Neocortical Circuits.  In S. A. Solla, T. K. Leen and K.-R. Müller (eds.),  Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 164-170.



Rao RPN and Ruderman DL  (1999).  Learning Lie Groups for Invariant Visual Perception'' M. S. Kearns, S. A. Solla and D. Cohn (Eds.),  Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems   11, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.



Reinagel P  and Zador  A (1999). Natural scenes at the center of gaze. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 10:341-350. 



Ruderman DL, Cronin TW and Chiao CC (1998).  Statistics of cone responses to natural images: implications for visual Messages coding.  JOSA A, 1998 Aug, V15 N8:2036-2045.



Sabes PN, Breznen B, and Andersen RA (2002). The Parietal   Representation of Object Based Saccades.  J. Neurophysiol., 88, 1815-1829.



Schreiber S, Fellous JM, Tiesinga PHE and Sejnowski TJ (2004). Influence of ionic conductances on spike timing reliability of cortical neurons for suprathreshold rhythmic inputs, Journal of Neurophysiology 91, 194-205.



Schreiber S,  Fellous J-M, Whitmer D, Tiesinga PHE and Sejnowski TJ. (2003).  A new correlation-based measure for spike-time reliability, Neurocomputing 52-54, 925-931.



Smetters D and Zador A (1996). Synaptic transmission: Noisy synapses and noisy neurons.  Current Biology, 6: 1217-1218. 



Stevens C and Zador A (1996). Information through a Spiking Neuron.  In. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, D.S. Touretzky, M.C. Mozer and M.E. Hasselmo, eds., MIT Press, 8:75-81.



Stevens C and Zador A (1995). Neural coding: the enigma of the brain.  Current Biology, 12:1370-1371.



Stevens C and Zador A (1996). When is an Integrate-and-fire Neuron like a Poisson Neuron?.  In. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, M. Mozer, D. S. Touretzky and M.  Hasselmo", eds., MIT Press, 8:103-109.



Stevens CF and Zador A (1998). Input synchrony and the irregular firing of cortical neurons.  Nature Neuroscience, 3:210-217.




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