Salk Institute

Papers and research supported in part or in whole by The Swartz Foundation


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Houweling AR, Bazhenov M, Timofeev I, Steriade M and Sejnowski TJ (1999). Cortical and thalamic components of augmenting responses: a modeling study. Neurocomputing, 26, 735-742. 



Houweling AR, Bazhenov M, Timofeev I, Grenier F, Steriade M and Sejnowski TJ (2002). Frequency-selective augmenting responses by short-term synaptic depression in cat neocortex. J Physiol. Jul 15;542(Pt 2):599-617.



Huerta R, Bazhenov M, Rabinovich MI (1998).  Clusters of synchronization and bistability in lattices of chaotic neurons.  Europhysics Letters, 43, 719-724. 



Huerta R, Rabinovich M, Abarbanel H, Bazhenov M  (1997). Spike-train bifurcation scaling in two coupled chaotic neurons. Physics Review E, 55, R2108-R2110. 



Koulakov AA (2001)  Properties of synaptic transmission and the global stability of working memory states, Network.47, 47-74.



Koulakov AA and Chklovskii DB (2001).  Orientation preference patterns in mammalian visual cortex: A wire length minimization approach.  Neuron 29: 519–527. 



Kretzberg J, Sejnowski TJ, Warzecha A.-K and Egelhaaf M  (2003).Variability of Postsynaptic Responses Depends Non-Linearly on the Number of Synaptic Inputs, Neurocomputing, (52-54) 313-320.



Kretzberg J, Sejnowski TJ, Warzecha A.-K and Egelhaaf M  (2002). Variability of Postsynaptic Responses to Spike-Mediated and Graded Synaptic Input, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 28.



Lee T-W, Wachtler T and Sejnowski TJ (1999).  The spectral independent components of natural scenes.  Institute for Neural Computation at UCSD Technical Report Series  INC-9901, September 1999. 



Lee T-W, Wachtler T and Sejnowski TJ (2001).  Color opponency constitutes a sparse representation for the chromatic structure of natural scenes. Leen, T.K., Dietterich, T.G. and Tresp, V.; (Eds.),  Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 13, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.866-872. 



Lee T-W, Wachtler T and Sejnowski TJ (2002).  Color opponency is an efficient representation of spectral properties in natural scenes.  Vision Res.,  42, 2095-2103.



Lee T-W, Wachtler T and Sejnowski TJ (2000).  The spectral independent components of natural scenes.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1811, 527-534.



Lewicki, MS and Sejnowski TJ (1997). Bayesian Unsupervised Learning of Higher Order Structure.  Mozer, M.; Jordan, M. I.; Petsche, T.; (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 9, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 529-535. 



Lewicki MS and Sejnowski TJ (2000).  Learning overcomplete representations.  Neural Comput.,  12, 337-365. 



Maass W and Zador A (1998).  Computing with dynamic synapses. NIPS 10.



Maass W and Zador A  (1999). Dynamic stochastic synapses as computational elements.  Neural Computation, 11:903-917.



Mainen Z, Carnevale N, Zador A, Claiborne B and Brown T (1996). Electrotonic structure of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons based on three-dimensional reconstructions.  J. Neurophysiol. 76:1904-1923. 



Marnellos G, Deblandre G, Mjolsness E and Kintner C (2000).  Delta-Notch  lateral inhibitory patterning in the emergence of ciliated cells in Xenopus:  experimental observations and a gene-network model. In: Proceedings of the  Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (R. Altman, A.K. Dunker, L. Hunter,  K. Lauderdale and T.E. Klein, eds.), 5:329-340.



Marnellos G and Mjolsness E (1996).  Comparison of simulated annealing with genetic  algorithms in biological problems that use recurrent neural nets.  In: Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. G.W.Cottrell, ed., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.



Marnellos G and Mjolsness E (1997).  A computational model of early neurogenesis in Drosophila. Technical report CS97-523, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UCSD. 



Marnellos G and Mjolsness E (1997). Optimization in biological models that use recurrent neural nets. Technical report CS97-524, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UCSD. 



Marnellos G and Mjolsness E (1998).  A gene network approach to modeling early neurogenesis in drosophila. In: Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing  (R. Altman, A.K. Dunker, L. Hunter and  T.E. Klein, eds.), 3:30-41. 



Marnellos G and Mjolsness E (1998). A gene network model of resource  allocation to growth and reproduction. In: Artificial Life VI, Proceedings of  the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life (C. Adami, R.K. Belew,  H. Kitano and C.E. Taylor, eds.), MIT Press, 433-437. 



Marnellos G and   Mjolsness E (1998). Probing the dynamics of cell  differentiation in a model of Drosophila neurogenesis. In: Artificial Life VI,  Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life  (C. Adami, R.K. Belew, H. Kitano and C.E. Taylor, eds.), MIT Press, 161-170.



Messinger A,  Squire LR, Zola SM and Albright TD (2000).  Responses of Monkey Inferotemporal Neurons During Paired-associate Learning. Soc. for Neurosci. Abs., 106.4.



Messinger A, Squire LR, Zola SM, and Albright TD. (2001). Neuronal representations of stimulus associations develop in the temporal lobe during learning. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 98:12239-44.



Messinger A, Squire LR, Zola SM, and Albright TD. (2005). Neural correlates of knowledge: stable representation of stimulus associations across variations in behavioral performance. Neuron. 48:359-71.  Messinger_Squire_Zola_Albright_Neuron_2005.pdf


Moortgat KT, Keller CH,  Bullock TH and  Sejnowski TJ (1998).  "Submicrosecond pacemaker precision is behaviorally modulated: the gymnotiform electromotor pathway." Proc Nat Acad Sci 95, p. 4684-4689.



Moortgat KT, Bullock T H, and Sejnowski TJ (2000).  Precision of the pacemaker nucleus in a weakly electric fish:  network versus cellular influences. J. Neurophysiol., 83(2):971-983. 



Moortgat KT, Bullock T H, and Sejnowski TJ (2000). Gap junction effects on precision and frequency of a model pacemaker network.  J. Neurophysiol., 83(2):984-997.



Movellan JR,  Wachtler T, Albright TD and Sejnowski TJ  (2003). Morton-style factorial coding of color in primary visual cortex.  Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 15,  205-212. 



Needleman DJ, Tiesinga, PHE and Sejnowski TJ  (2001).  Collective enhancement of precision in networks of coupled oscillators, Physica D, 155, 324-336.



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