2007 Sloan-Swartz Centers for Theoretical Neurobiology

Annual Summer Meeting 2007

University of California at San Diego, July 28-31



Agenda and Presentations


Saturday, July 28

6:00 PM

Opening Reception at UCSD Mandeville Suite on the 11th floor of Tioga Hall



Sunday July 29

8:00 AM           



8:55 AM           

Welcome – Scott Makeig (UCSD)


9:00 AM           

Olfaction, Taste, Audition and Timing – Larry Abbott (Chair)


9:00 AM           

Jing Wang (UCSD)

“Visualizing the olfactory circuit in Drosophila.”


9:45 AM           

Glenn Turner (CSHL)

“Sparse olfactory representations by Drosophila mushroom body Kenyon cells”


10:00 AM         

Adi Rangan (NYU)

“Olfactory coding & recognition”


10:15 AM         

Gidon Felsen (CSHL)

“A neural circuit for decision-making in rats.”


10:30 AM

Coffee break


11:00 AM

Donald Katz (Brandeis)

“Sequences of coherent cortical states and the processing of sensory information”


11:15 AM

Alfredo Fontanini (Brandeis)

“State-dependent modulation of taste response dynamics”


11:30 AM

Paul Miller (Brandeis)

“Stochastic transitions between discrete attractor states in a model taste-processing network”


11:45 AM

Tatyana Sharpee (Salk)

“Two dimensional encoding in the songbird auditory forebrain and its possible function”


12:00 PM

Tony Zador (CSHL)

“Auditory Cortex: From Synapses to Behavior”


12:15 PM

Ruadhan O'Flanagan (Salk)



12:30 PM

Lunch on site


Decision Making and Motor Systems – Eve Marder (Chair)

2:00 PM

Cori Bargmann (Rockefeller)

“Dissecting a circuit for probabilistic behavior in C. elegans.”


2:45 PM

Greg Stephens (Princeton)

“Dynamics and dimensionality in the behavior of C elegans”


3:00 AM

Gasper Tkacik (Princeton)

“Information flow and optimization in transcriptional control”


3:15 PM

Alex Koulakov (CSHL)

“Lognormal distribution in cortical networks: A tale of two tails.”


3:30 PM

Coffee break


 4:00 PM

Bijan Pesaran (NYU)

“Relative position codes in the dorsal premotor cortex”


 4:15 PM

Daeyeol Lee (Yale):

“Prefrontal cortex and economic decision making”


 4:30 PM

Philip Eckhoff (Princeton)

“Diffusion processes with variable drift rates as models for decision making during learning”


4:45 PM

Mark Laubach (Yale)

“Medial prefrontal cortex and the temporal control of action”


5:00 PM

Chung-Chuan Lo (Yale)

“A spiking neural network model of inhibitory control for countermanding task”



Monday July 30

8:00 AM Breakfast


Neural Circuits and Optimization - William Bialek (Chair)

9:00 AM

Adrienne Fairhall (University of Washington)

“Single neuron computation”


9:45 AM

Andrea Hasenstaub (Salk)

“Fast spiking inhibitory neurons”


10:00 AM

David McCormick (Yale)

“Implications of combined analogue/digital signaling in local cortical networks”


10:15 AM

Yi Sun (NYU)

“Numerical analysis of network dynamics of HH neurons”


10:30 AM

Coffee break


11:00 AM

Joe Snider (Salk)

“Self-similarity of arbors”


11:15 AM

Yuriy Mishchenko (CSHL)

“Automated large scale reconstruction of neural circuits using electron microscopy”


11:30 AM

Santiago Jaramillo (CSHL)

“Selective coding in neural systems”


11:45 AM

Steve Lisberger (UCSF)

“Noise reduction and addition in sensory-motor processing”


 12:00 PM

Jayant Kulkarni (Columbia)

“Common-noise models for multiple neural spike-train data”


12:15 PM

Larry Abbott (Columbia)

“Something about neural network dynamics...”


12:30 PM Lunch on site


2:00 PM

Vision – Christof Koch (Chair)

John Reynolds (Salk)

“Mapping the microcircuitry of attention: attentional modulation varies across cell classes in visual area V4”


 2:45 PM

Josh Milstein (Caltech)

“Dynamic moment analysis of the extracellular electric field of a biologically realistic spiking neuron”


3:00 PM

Ping Wang (Salk)

“Synchronous thalamic inputs drive cortical neurons reliably when excitatory and inhibitory inputs are balanced”


3:15 PM

Samuel Burns (NYU)

“A Time-Frequency Analysis of Phase Coherence in the Gamma Band of the Local Field Potential in V1”


 3:30 PM

Coffee break


4:00 PM

Gergô Orbán (Brandeis)

“The link between neural activity in V1 and optimal probabilistic inference”


4:15 PM

József Fiser (Brandeis)

“Do we develop visual representations based on pair-wise statistics of the visual scene?”


4:30 PM

Arnulf Graf (NYU)

“Decoding population responses of visual neurons in macaque cortex”


4:45 PM

John Rinzel (NYU)

“Competitive network models of binocular rivalry”


5:00 PM

Marina Brozovic (Caltech)

“Gain mechanisms for contextually guided visuomotor transformations”


5:15 PM

Group Barbeque, Powerhouse Park in Del Mar

There will be a shuttle service to Powerhouse Park. Shuttle stop location TBD.



Tuesday July 31

8:00 AM Breakfast


Plasticity, Learning and Memory - Michael Stryker (Chair)

9:00 AM

Misha Tsodyks (Weizmann Institute)

“Ongoing dynamics of memory representations of morphed patterns”


9:45 AM

Surya Ganguli (UCSF)

“Origins of short term memory traces in neural networks”


10:00 AM

Samat Moldakarimov (Salk)

“A spiking network model implementing representational sharpening exhibits perceptual priming”


10:15 AM

Matthias Kaschube (Princeton)

“Self-organization in the development of neural circuitry”


10:30 AM

Coffee break


11:00 AM

Vladimir Itskov (Columbia)

“From Spikes to Space: Building up space from hippocampal spikes alone”


11:15 AM

Sen Cheng (UCSF)

“Dynamics of spatial memory formation in the hippocampus”


 11:30 AM

Yuri Dabaghian (UCSF)

“Topological organization of information encoding in hippocampus”  

11:45 AM

Evren Tumer (UCSF)

“Adaptive plasticity in the adult bird song system”


12:00 AM

Daniel Ben Dayan Rubin (Columbia)

“Retrieving noise-based memories by reading heterogeneous neurons”


12:15 PM

Lunch on site

Director's Lunch – location TBA


2:00 PM

Attention and Brain Imaging - Xiao-Jing Wang (Chair)


Jonathan Victor (Cornell Medical Center, NYC) and Nicholas D. Schiff

“Large-scale brain dynamics and neurologic disturbances of consciousness"


2:45 PM

James Mazer (Yale):

"Attentional modulation of feature selectivity in area V4"


3:00 PM

Angela Yu (Princeton)

“A Bayesian framework for dynamic attention selection”


3:15 PM

Stefano Fusi (Columbia)

“The importance of neural diversity in complex cognitive tasks”


3:30 PM

Coffee break


4:00 PM

Chess Stetson (Caltech)

“Cumulative conditional probability encoded by neural blood flow”


4:15 PM

Rey Ramirez (UCSD)

“Neuroelectromagnetic source imaging of cortical traveling waves using frequency-domain independent vector analysis (IVA) and geodesic sparse Bayesian learning (gSBL)”


4:30 PM

Jason Palmer (UCSD)

“Advanced signal models for EEG/MEG analysis: Piecewise stationarity and dependent subspaces”


4:45 PM

Julie Onton (UCSD)

“Exploring spectral instability in EEG data”

5:00 PM

Terry Sejnowski (Salk/UCSD)
Closing Remarks




Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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