Multi-level Brain Modeling Workshop
29 September 1 October 2006
Sloan/Swartz Center for Theoretical Neurobiology, Salk Institute
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience, UCSD
Rancho Santa Fe Inn, La Jolla, California
Organized by:
Terry Sejnowski, The Salk Institute
Press Release and Select Videos of the Meeting:
The goal of the workshop is to explore the relationships between measurements that span multiple levels of the brain, from the molecular properties of synapses, the dynamic properties of single neurons, the collective properties reflected in local field potentials, and the bulk properties of brain activity as measured with EEG, MEG and fMRI. Each of these levels has a substantial literature but too little effort has been put into understanding how they are related. Can we learn more about the nature of brain function by combining information simultaneously recorded across these levels? What new techniques are needed for spanning these levels?
Workshop participants will have 30 minutes for their presentations and 15 minutes for discussion
with that dialog on multi-level brain modeling considered a key aspect of the conference.
Friday, 29 September
11:30 AM Transportation from the Rancho Santa Fe Inn to the Salk Institute
12 noon Lunch, UCSD Howard Hughes Conference Room
1:30 5:30 PM - Public symposium, UCSD - CalIT2
Chair: Terry Sejnowski, Salk/UCSD
These talks will be aimed at a more general audience and will lay out the issues that will be the focus of the workshop.
1:30 PM - Larry Abbott, Columbia
Multiple Time Scale of Neuronal Information Processing
2:15 PM - Kwabena Boahen, Stanford
Neurogrid: Emulating a million neurons in the cortex
3:00 PM - Break
3:45 PM - Michael Breakspear, University of Sydney
Unpacking the brain into multiscale space: Methods, evidence and models
4:30 PM - Robert Knight, UC Berkeley
Ultra high gamma in the human electrocorticogram
6:00 PM Dinner, Salk Parker Room
8:00 PM - Tony Bell, UC Berkeley
The search for a universal cross-level theory of learning
The workshop sessions will be held at the Rancho Santa Fe Inn, 10 miles north of La Jolla. Additional schedule details will be posted when available.
Saturday, 30 September
8:00 AM - Breakfast
8:45 Jerry Swartz, The Swartz Foundation
9:00 - David McCormick, Yale
How the cortex behaves itself: Rapid modulation through intracortical mechanisms
9:45 - Yang Dan, UC Berkeley
Learning representation of natural stimuli in the visual cortex
10:30 - Break
10:45 - Terry Sejnowski, Salk/UCSD
Supralinear gain with synchronous spikes
11:30 Pascal Fries Donders Center, Netherlands
Direct physiological evidence for a mechanistic influence of neuronal
synchronization on neuronal interactions
12:15 PM - Lunch
1:30 - San Diego, Excursion
200 Hale telescope at the top of Mount Palomar Mountain
Indian Mission Church at Pala
6:30 Dinner, Delicias Rancho Santa Fe
Sunday, 1 October
8:00 AM - Breakfast
8:45 - Ken Harris, Rutgers University
Dynamics and diversity in auditory cortical populations
9:30 Bijan Pesaran, NYU
Free choice increases parietal-frontal interactions
10:15 - Break
10:30 - Partha Mitra, CSHL
Extracellular voltages and currents: some fundamental considerations
11:15 - John Reynolds, Salk Institute
Spatial attention modulates firing rate and Fano factor differently
across neuronal classes in area V4
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 - Nicolas Brunel, CNRS, Paris
Dynamics of recurrent networks of spiking neurons