The Swartz Foundation Job Search - Submission Form

  The Swartz Foundation Job Search - Submission Form
  The Swartz Foundation has created this job search page to assist post-docs who are seeking academic jobs, or pre-docs who are seeking post-doc positions.
  Please complete the fields below. After review we will post your submission to the publicly-visible page at
  First Name:
  Last Name:
  Email Address:
  Phone Number:
  Current Job Position or Title:
  Expected Program Completion/Graduation Date (if Applicable):
  Current Department:
  Current Major's Professor:
  Position Desired (Describe, Maximum of 1000 Characters):
  CV/Resume-Web Page Address Where Your CV/Resume Can be Viewed:
Saturday, July 27, 2024
About the Swartz Foundation...
The Swartz Foundation was established by Jerry Swartz (bio) in 1994 . . .
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