Swartz Foundation Job Search Postings



The Swartz Foundation has created this job search page to assist post-docs who are seeking academic jobs, or pre-docs who are seeking post-doc positions.


This page contains completed postings. If you would like to submit your information for posting on this page, contact the Swartz Foundation.


Name: Markus Dahlem

Email: dahlem@physik.tu-berlin.de

Phone Number: +493024254

Current Job Title: Research associate

Program Completion/Graduation Date:

University: TU Berlin

Department: Theoretical Physics

Major Professor: Prof. Schoell

Position Desired: Faculty position (tenure track) to continue my current research focus, i.e., problems at the interface of applied nonlinear science and clinical neurology.

CV/Resume-Web Page Address: Markus Dahlem CV 


Name: Marcelo Mattar

Email: marcelomattar@gmail.com

Phone Number: +55 12 81144644

Current Job Title: Research Scientist

Program Completion/Graduation Date: July 2010

Department: Neuroscience

University: Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica – ITA  

Major Professor: Takashi Yoneyama

Position Desired: I am currently looking for a phd position in a university or in a research institute, exploring the area of interface between memory, learning and vision. Using methods like fMRI and EEG, I want to investigate the neural substrates of object recognition, understanding how, when and where learning and storage occurs, and then to develop computational models to explain and predict this behavior. I plan to use the knowledge developed throughout my graduate school years to improve machines and computers, making them more capable of learning through images, like humans.

CV/Resume-Web Page Address: http://www.mediafire.com/file/khhk5w2whdm/MarceloMattar_Resume.pdf


Name: Marieke van Vugt

Email: mkvan@princeton.edu

Phone Number: 609-258-5032

Current Job Title: Postdoctoral research associate

Program Completion/Graduation Date:

University: Princeton

Department: Neuroscience

Major Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Position Desired: faculty position or junior group leader in Europe

CV/Resume-Web Page Address: www.princeton.edu/~mkvan/MvV_CV.pdf


Name: Yuri Dabaghian

Email: dabaghian@gmail.com

Phone Number: (415) 830-2735

Current Job Title: Research Scientist

Program Completion/Graduation Date: September 2010

University: University of California at San Francisco  (UCSF)

Department: Physiology

Major Professor: Loren Frank

Position Desired: My goal is to obtain a tenure track faculty position in a university or in a research institute, for experimental and theoretical research of space representations and spatial memory mechanisms in the brain, to investigate the principles that allow the brain to combine various types of spatial information into a single coherent spatial representation of the environment. I plan to study the formation, the stability and the dynamics of neuronal spatial maps in the (para)hippocampal region and parietal cortex (potentially also in (pre)motor, inferotemporal, retrosplenial, entorhinal, etc., cortices) and interactions between them, based on real time analysis of neural and behavioral data. The research will be based on combining animal (rat) electrophysiology in hippocampus, and cognitive research in human subjects, and the data will be used to guide computational and general theoretical modeling of the principles of neuronal space representation.

CV/Resume-Web Page Address: http://keck.ucsf.edu/~yura/CVDabaghian.pdf





Thursday, January 16, 2025
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